July 27, 2024

SRM Survey. Do it, help UNICEF, and get an eBook

I got an e-mail from Mike Laverick this morning about a SRM survey that VMware has.

I can imagine that the survey is going to be used to gather feedback on what is right, what is lacking, and where VMware needs to go with SRM.

An added benefit to taking the survey, is that for the first 1000 surveys taken, VMware will give $10 to UNICEF.  And the respondents will receive a PDF copy of Mike Laverick’s SRM 4.0 book: Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 4.0.

So, if you are a VMware SRM customer:

Chip in to help VMware with SRM, let them help UNICEF, and get a free eBook.  Everybody wins.

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