July 27, 2024

Chinwag with Mike Laverick – VMware/EMC/Cloud/etc

I have known Mike Laverick a little more than 5 years now.

I initially interacted with Mike through the VMTN forums, and we met in person at VMworld 2005. In my becoming more active over the years in the VMware community, Mike has contributed some really good content on his RTFM site. Over the years, we have had some very good virtualization/storage/computer/network related conversations through the VMTN forums, Twitter, and in person.

In December of 2010, Mike Laverick asked me to have a Chinwag with him.

For those who don’t know what a Chinwag is, it is a “light informal conversation for social occasions.”

There have been many folks that have been selected to have with a Chinwag with Mike, and I’m very honored to be among the Chinwagees.

Thanks for the opportunity for me to share some of my experiences, as well as look silly (and half asleep) on camera.


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